These are the club's rules

For further information contact the Secretary by email [email protected].

Name of Charity

Edlesborough Community Sports Club C.I.O., a charity registered in England No.1160939, in this document and for the purpose of club administration will be termed ECSC.

Conditions and governing rules

These rules for associate membership shall be read in conjunction with the articles of Edlesborough Community Sports Club C.I.O. and all current and future rules and byelaws, as amended, duly passed by resolution of the Trustees of ECSC (see separate documents).

  • Rules at 25-08-2020:
    • Rule 2020-1 – General regulations for use of the new pavilion.
    • Rule 2020-2 – Regulations for use of pavilion club room -See Rule
    • Rule 2020-3 – Regulations for use of changing areas.
    • Rule 2020-4 – Regulations for hire of pavilion premises/services.

Objects of ECSC

Edlesborough Community Sports Club C.I.O. is a charity registered in England. Its stated objects are:

  • To further or benefit the residents of Edlesborough and the surrounding neighbourhoods, without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents.

Obligations of Associate Membership.

  • It is the duty of each associate member of ECSC to endeavour in good faith to further the objects of ECSC.
  • All associate members are deemed to have accepted the constitution of Edlesborough Community Sports Club C.I.O. and any further rules and codes of conduct promulgated by the Trustees of ECSC.
  • All associate members are deemed to have accepted all regulations from time to time imposed by the Trustees concerning the use of buildings and other property owned, leased or otherwise under the control or care of ECSC.
  • All members residing in Edlesborough and Eaton Bray, other than those with disability, are expected to walk to and from the pavilion per the requirements of the planning permissions granted by the local authorities. This is to enable access to the restricted car parking space without impacting on our neighbourhood.
  • All associate members will strictly support and comply with ECSC’s policies relating to child protection and adults at risk.

Classes of associate membership.

  • A member must be an individual person and not a corporate body or organisation.
  • For administrative purposes, the Trustees of ECSC have created the following classes of associate membership:
    • Community members.
    • Qualifying neighbourhood member
    • Sports Club members.
    • Donor members.
    • Club officer members.
    • Local employee members.
  • The various classes shall be of equal standing subject to any further rules and byelaws promulgated by the Trustees.
  • The Trustees may from time to time by proper resolution amend membership conditions for all or individual classes of associate membership, including membership and administrative fees.

Admission to associate membership.

ECSC Trustees

  • may require applications for membership to be made in any reasonable way that they decide.
  • may refuse an application for membership if they believe that it is in the best interests of ECSC for them to do so.
  • shall, if they decide to refuse an application for membership, give the applicant their reasons for doing so, within 30 days of the decision being taken, and give the applicant the opportunity to appeal against the refusal, and
  • shall give fair consideration to any such appeal, and shall inform the applicant of their decision, but any decision to confirm refusal of the application for membership shall be final.
  • The trustees will keep a register of members which will include details of their names, addresses and contact details.
  • A former member of the Club who wishes to re-join as a member may do so without the necessity for a further formal application for membership unless the trustees decide otherwise.
  • In considering applications for membership the trustees shall have regard to the facilities available and may from time to time decide that the Club shall be closed to new applications for membership for such period as it may decide.

Qualification for associate membership

  • Community members must be permanent residents of Edlesborough Parish as proven by entry on the electoral role or production of an acceptable document such as a utility bill.
  • Qualifying neighbourhood members must be permanent residents of those qualifying neighbourhood as from time to time listed by the Trustees as proven by production of an acceptable document such as a utility bill.
  • Sports Club members must be active participants of an affiliated sports clubs and nominated by the appropriate sports club.
  • Donor members will remain members for the agreed period related to their donation, after which they may apply for further membership at the discretion of the Trustees.
  • Club officer members shall remain members for so long as they are appointed, after which they may apply for further membership at the discretion of the Trustees.
  • Local employee members shall remain members for so long as they are in qualifying employ, after which they may apply for further membership at the discretion of the Trustees

Membership fees and subscriptions

ECSC Trustees may as they consider appropriate and at their discretion require all or certain classes of members to pay reasonable membership fees to ECSC. If this is the case then those members of the Club will pay an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be decided at the Trustees. Subscriptions shall be due for payment by ---------------- and must be paid by……………………….. Unless the Committee decides otherwise, any member whose subscription remains unpaid after the second date, shall be treated as a visitor until his or her subscription has been paid in full.

Termination of membership

  • Membership of ECSC comes to an end if:
  • the member dies.
  • At the discretion of the Trustees:
    • a community member moves to a permanent address outside the Parish of Edlesborough.
    • A qualifying neighbourhood member moves to a permanent address outside the qualifying neighbourhood.
    • A sports club member leaves active membership of the associated sports club.
    • A donor member reaches the end of the agreed membership period.
    • A local employee member ceases local employment.
  • the member sends a notice of resignation to the charity trustees; or
  • any sum of money owed by the member to ECSC is not paid in full within six months of its falling due or
  • the charity trustees decide that it is in the best interests of the CIO that the member in question should be removed from membership and pass a resolution to that effect.
  • The member is expelled from the club under the Disciplinary Rules.
  • Before the charity trustees take any decision to remove someone from membership of ECSC they must:
    • inform the member of the reasons why it is proposed to remove him or her from membership.
    • give the member at least 21 clear days’ notice in which to make representations to the charity trustees as to why he/she should not be removed from membership.
    • at a duly constituted meeting of the charity trustees, consider whether the member should be removed from membership.
    • consider at that meeting any representations which the member makes as to why the member should not be removed, and
    • allow the member, or the member’s representative, to make those representations in person at that meeting, if the member so chooses.

General meeting of associate members.

The Trustees shall at the time of their choosing convene an annual general meeting of all members to inform and update members on the general progress of ECSC with particular respect to its objects.
No resolutions or votes may be taken at this meeting, but the Trustees may answer appropriate questions.

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